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Amateur radio

My amateur radio diploma
My amateur radio diploma

In the year 2018 I enroled into secondary school Vegova. There I meet a couple of very bright people and together we started to play with radio waves. At the start we were only using our handheld radios for PMR communication, but we decided to take the amateur radio exam together. This is how me, Luka [S50XD], Nejc [S51NB], Aleks [S54ATW], Uroš [S54UT] and Matej [S56ELS] went from Ljubljana to the Association of Radio Amateurs of Slovenia in Pekre, where we sucsessfully passed the exam. After we got our licenses, we have activly spread amateur radio on our school and the result is known today as Radioklub Vegova.


Yaesu FT-450 ATU

Anytone AT-D878UV II Plus

QSL Card

QSL kartica je kartica, s katero radioamater potrdi opravljeno zvezo v fizični obliki. Ker ima vsak posameznik pri tem nekaj umetniške svobode, sem se odločil narediti kartico v obliki tiskanega vezja.